Reaper's Claim

I can't make up my mind with this one... Finally, after a long inner debate, I'm giving it 3.5 stars.
The first 30% of the story was almost a 5 stars rate, but then, something changed and it became a New Adult story, missing the real club problems, more focussed on the Harrison's twins and their issues.
Don't misunderstand me, I love New Adult novels. Just it's my first time mixing MC with NA and I didn't know what to think about it. Maybe I wanted more depth in the club business and less about Abby's childish behavior.
Abby, our female main character starts being sassy and brave, because she has lived all her life between rough and violent men, and knows how to deal with them.
She is, at the same time, badass and reserved and this is an attractive combination that makes you understand why Reaper likes her. I really liked Abby at first too. Then, out of the blue, she became the typical annoying character, acting like a teenager and making wrong decisions.
I get it, she is young and I have to say I didn't hate her even I didn't understand her at times. I missed the Abby from the first 30%.
Probably the thing I loved the most about the book was Reaper. He is a very attractive alpha male. I really liked him, though maybe I wanted to read more about his job for the club.
It's not that it's not developed, is just I needed and wanted to know why he is the way he is, to profound more in the killer, soulless bastard that he supposedly is. After all, that is his excuse for not being with Abby.
There was something I didn't get along completely: all the sex scenes fade to black. All of them. Every single one. And though I don't hate it, sometimes, I like to read some steamy, hot sex. Not the unnecessary, gratuitous and out of place scenes. No. The dirty ones all bikers books need to have because they are rough, and sexy, and usually super dirty.
In my modest opinion, in this kind of book, at least one dirty scene is completely necessary. It is one of the most attractive things to me in biker's books: the contrast between the hard, rough and dirty mouthed guy, and the sweet and loving in him.
Even though all the criticism above, I really enjoyed this story. I couldn't put it down and I would recommend it to anyone who likes MC's books, but here is my warning: Reaper's Claim has a big component of New Adult, so some love for this genre is needed.
The second installment come out this month. Am I going to read it? OF COURSE I will. In fact, I can't wait!
***This book was generously provided to me by Inkitt in exchange for an honest review***